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Water for hydrogen production: Building a sustainable hydrogen industry

Water is required as an input for production and as a cooling medium for all types of hydrogen production. Currently, green hydrogen is the most water efficient method of low carbon hydrogen. As hydrogen demands are to rise with ambitious demand targets, Commercial-scale hydrogen projects can be large water consumers and introduce significant competition for water resources at a local scale ,but this volume is relatively small when compared to other water consumers and the energy sector as a whole.
Most of the planned and operational green and blue H2 projects by 2040 are located in areas with low to medium water stress globally. In arid regions such as the Middle East, utilisation of seawater by desalination is critical. We explore the importance of desalination, costs of desalination on a scale and potential constrains of the process.
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French Agency for Ecological Transition ADEME has published the DECARB IND+ tender for large-scale industrial decarbonation in France, notably through…

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Maximising Domestic Value Creation in H2 Exporting Countries
Maximising Domestic Value Creation in H2 Exporting Countries

At Yamna, we believe that hydrogen exporting countries need to get their fair share of the global H2 economy. This…

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