27 Old Gloucester Street
London WC1N 3AX
(Company number 14929369)
50 Grosvenor Hill
London W1K 3QT

Green Hydrogen in Africa

With a market potential valued at USD 1trillion by a recent study, Africa is set to become one of the largest producers of green hydrogen globally, thanks to the abundance of renewable energy potential and the further decrease expected on renewable energy production cost.
But how will Africa benefit from the produced green molecules? Will they be mainly exported to serve overseas needs -like cocoa, cashew, cotton, and others-, or be processed and consumed locally to meet African demand and objectives?
Market announcements over the past two years pave the way to two major trends indeed. The first solution is to develop giga projects with a focus on export, making sense in countries with strong proximity to international offtake markets and high quality infrastructure and support from the government (land, resources) for export and raw material import.
Here’s our take at Yamna!

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